Need an Auto Electrician to repair, service or replace the fog lights, driving lights or spot lights on your car?
About the fog lights, driving lights or spot lights on your car
Front fog lights and driving lights (spot lights) are often confused. The light pattern is the main difference.
Fog lights
Fog lights are designed and function to improve drivers’ ability to view the road directly ahead of the vehicle, in fog, rainstorms, dust clouds, or other hazardous weather conditions that reduce visibility, especially where normal headlights become ineffective. The Australian Road Rules state that they are not to be used at any other time.
Front fog lights
Front fog lights can produce either a white or yellow light and have a low, flat wide beam intended to illuminate the road below the fog or mist. Front fog lights, fitted to many European vehicles should be wired independent of the car’s other lights and must emit a red light. Rear fog lights are installed to make a vehicle more easily visible from the rear in fog, mist or hazardous conditions.
Driving lights
Driving lights have a powerful beam that projects well down the road and are used to supplement high beam, especially when driving in country areas. They should be wired to only operate when high beam is used.
ACE Auto Electricians perform work on cars requiring repairs or installation of fog lights or driving lights. Whether you are repairing existing lighting systems or wish to install new lights, we can help.
We can check, repair or install fog lights, driving lights, spot lights, head lights, brake lights, indicator lights, interior lights, reverse lights, general wiring, fuses and connection plugs to your car, trailer or caravan. We can also install electric braking systems for trailers and caravans onsite.